Sturdy is a modular lending protocol that enables anyone to create a liquid money market for any token in hours.
By employing a novel two-tier architecture, Sturdy can isolate risk between pools without creating liquidity fragmentation. Sturdy’s base layer is made up of isolated lending pairs, which consist of a single lending asset and a single collateral asset. Pairs are immutable and permissionless to create and isolate risk. Built on top are aggregators, each of which has whitelisted pairs from the base layer.
Aggregators use Sturdy’s Bittensor subnet to determine allocation among whitelisted pairs to keep silos liquid and yield high. Users deposit to aggregators that fit their risk/reward profile, so they control which assets they’re exposed to without liquidity fragmentation
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Sturdy Value Proposition
Today, users seeking passive yields by lending in DeFi have two options. On one end are permissioned pooled lending protocols (like Aave) that enshrine collateral assets at the protocol level and offer all users a single risk-reward profile. These protocols use governance processes to onboard new assets, forcing them to be conservative, given that all users are exposed to every collateral asset. On the other end of the spectrum are isolated lending protocols. Isolated lending offers permissionlessness and sovereign risk management at the risk of liquidity fragmentation and reduced lender UX.
Sturdy V2 uses a novel architecture to offer users the best of both worlds: no more choosing between permissionlessness and deep liquidity. Sturdy comprises two layers, with siloed lending pairs at the base layer and aggregators on top to unify liquidity.
This design is especially conducive to projects seeking to create their own lending markets. Currently, projects that want money markets for their assets must choose between drawn-out, requirement-laden governance processes and isolated lending with liquidity fragmentation. Sturdy enables anyone to permissionlessly create a money market in hours that’s liquid from Day 1, thanks to aggregators.
Audit History
Sturdy received audits from Zellic, Chain Security, and Spearbit. No critical issues were found, and all minor issues were resolved.
Full audit reports:
Sturdy Fundraising
Sturdy raised $4 million in early 2022, led by Pantera and including contributions from Y Combinator and KuCoin Ventures.
Sturdy currently provides great yields on assets such as weETH; weETH depositors on Sturdy’s Mode deployment earn staking/restaking yields, 3x Mode points, 3x points, and Eigenlayer points. Additionally, weETH depositors can borrow ETH against their deposit at up to 90% LTV. This can be recursively looped to earn up to 30x points from the aforementioned projects mentioned, or farm other projects.
The Sturdy infrastructure, with its novel two-tier architecture, is an ideal platform for quickly spinning up secure money markets as EOL onboards additional assets beyond weETH.
Sturdy’s permissionless deployment of aggregators and isolated silos enables EOL to craft customized strategies. Aggregators’ lending yields are optimized via the Sturdy subnet, while isolated siloes mean EOL can lever up to multiply yield and point allocations across numerous airdrop programs.
Sturdy’s architecture provides an ideal infrastructure for Mitosis’s goal of bootstrapping liquidity and benefiting from pooled liquidity, while providing the security of isolated lending. Sturdy routinely deploys on nascent blockchains to provide EOL with ample opportunities. With EOL’s backing, Sturdy can facilitate the growth of exciting blockchains and assets with unified liquidity.