Proposal for Proposal Categories


The Mitosis Ecosystem has two components: the Mitosis Chain and the EOL Vaults on each supported network. Mitosis LPs can deposit their assets in the EOL Vaults on networks of their choice. The collective liquidity (EOL) is then managed by EOL Governance, in which all Mitosis LPs can participate.

Previously, the forum had four categories: Announcements, General, Proposal Discussion, and Ecosystem Collaboration. These did not cover topics related to the EOL Vaults’ asset/chain support or applications on the Mitosis Chain. To ensure decentralization and transparency throughout the entire process, the Mitosis Foundation suggests seven categories: Announcements, General, Research, EOL Allocation, Asset Support, Network Integration, and Mitosis App.


The new categorization facilitates open discussions among participants with various interests.

  • The Mitosis Foundation announces updates in the Announcements category.
  • The General category includes suggestions, requests, and other discussions from the community.
  • Any participant can use the Research category to share information on DeFi, networks, DAOs, governance, etc.
  • The EOL Allocation category sparks discussions on candidate protocols.
  • The Asset Support and Network Integration categories allow the Mitosis Foundation to understand LPs’ needs and prevent unilateral decisions.
  • Builders on the Mitosis Chain can use the Mitosis App category to gain insights from Mitosis LPs.

With the new categorization, the Mitosis Foundation introduces four types of proposals:

1. EOL Allocation Proposal

  • Purpose: To discuss EOL allocation to specific protocols
  • Types: Candidate, Remove, Gauge
  • Creator:
    • Candidate - Protocols (DeFi applications, networks, etc.)
      : Protocols interested in receiving EOL must upload their proposal to gain community support.
    • Remove - Protocols and LPs
      : Protocols and LPs can suggest removing specific protocols from the list of EOL allocations.
    • Gauge - Protocols and LPs
      : Protocols and LPs discuss the change in gauge for specific protocols.
  • Contents:
    • Brief explanation of the protocol
    • Fundraising status of the protocol
    • Audit report and security track record of the protocol
    • The protocol’s offerings for receiving EOL
      *A standardized tool to calculate the rewards will be provided.
    • The rationale for addition, removal, or gauge change
  • Following Process:
    After the forum discussion, the governance proceeds to a vote. During the vote, LPs determine whether to commit liquidity to the protocol and decide on the allocation ratios.

2. Asset Support Proposal

  • Purpose: To discuss supporting a new asset
  • Creator: Asset protocols
  • Contents:
    • Explanation of the asset
    • Audit report or fundraising status, if applicable
    • DeFi protocols that plan to support the asset
  • Following Process
    : Mitosis Foundation decides whether to support the asset based on forum discussion.

3. Network Integration Proposal

  • Purpose: To discuss a potential network support
  • Creator: Networks
    *This is subject to change.
  • Contents:
    • Explanation of the network
    • Audit report or fundraising status, if applicable
    • DeFi protocols that plan to support the network
    • The network’s offerings
  • Following Process
    : Mitosis Foundation decides whether to support the network

4. Mitosis App Proposal

  • Purpose: To discuss a potential application on the Mitosis Chain
  • Creator: Builders
  • Contents:
    • Introduction of the builders (team)
    • Explanation of the application
    • Fundraising status, if applicable
    • Plans to utilize unique features (e.g., default yield) of miAssets
    • Plans to utilize voting power for EOL
    • How the application can contribute to the Mitosis Ecosystem
  • Following Process
    : Mitosis Foundation decides whether to accept the application on the Mitosis Chain based on forum discussion.

What’s Next?

Over the next week, the forum categories will be updated to include the four types of proposals mentioned above. During this process, we will actively incorporate feedback from the discussions.


excellent work, thanks to the team